Mind Matters: 3 Steps to Improve Mental Health Awareness

Balanced rocks
Mental Peace

It is a good thing that over time people are getting more aware of the importance of mental health. Credit goes to all those people around us who stood up for themselves as well as for those who were suffering silently. 

But the journey doesn't stop here. Mental health is still a major crisis in the world. Every passing year, many people are diagnosed with Clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia, PTSD, and the list goes on.  

Most of the time family members or friends ignore the symptoms of the person or take them lightly. And the reason behind this is mainly a lack of awareness. Here are some steps that should be taken immediately to increase mental health awareness so no more souls suffer in silence. 

1. Campaigns in Educational Institutions  

Students are the major victims of academic stress and anxiety. Unbearable pressure of exams and grades, high expectations, and bullying are some common factors that trigger anxiety in their young minds. This not only affects their academic progress but also has severe effects on their health, confidence, and personality. 

There are many cases of those students who are diagnosed with eating disorders, PTSD, ADHD, ASD, or Anxiety disorders, being bullied by their classmates or ignored by teachers due to unawareness. 

This is why mental health awareness campaigns should be held in every educational institution at least once a year. Students must be taught about the importance of mental health and how they can tackle their academic stress. Teachers should be trained for taking care of those students who need extra care and attention. 

2. Surveys in Workplaces 

Working for hours, 24/7 is tiring. Workload, the same routine every day, sitting on the same chair for 8 hours can eventually make anyone tired and depressed. A person can work better and live better with a healthy mind. 

To tackle work stress, surveys must be taken at least every 3 months. Every person in the office must participate in it and should be free to share their ideas to create a better working environment. 

3. Educate People Around You  

Most of the time people are unaware of the symptoms of depression or try to hide them because they don't know how to deal with it. It can be your friend, staff member, your spouse, kid, or literally anyone. Some people are too stressed to share. The best way to help them is by educating them. 

Give them the confidence they need. Let them know you are always there to listen to them. Their mental health is as important as their physical health. If you feel the same way, share it with your loved ones. You can consult with a therapist or the one you trust the most. Because sometimes when we are stressed, we cannot see or find the solution we need. But with someone's help, it is easier to find the right way. 

Take Care of Yourself  

Life in the 21st century is full of ups and downs, hectic routines, and never-ending responsibilities. Do not forget yourself while taking care of others. Don't stress out too much. Life is too short to spend it all on negativity. Just know that after every darkest night, the sun rises and shines bright. 
